

So, next question, a little scenario-based, is from William W. Will is saying he’s got pain radiating down his arm from a cervical disc issue. So, will the exercises target both the neck and the arm, or are they addressed separately?

That’s a very fair question, Will. Typically, it’s causally linked, so the answer is yes, you would address them at the same time by addressing the neck. That’s typically where the nerve glides we were talking about before come in. So, unless there’s some other pathology going on which would need to be and should be determined by your therapist during your evaluation, like a double crush injury or something like that, it’s typically not going to be two separate things that are getting addressed. It’s going to be addressing the neck, and it typically solves the rest.

The analogy I would give you is your spine and nerves in your neck are a lot like the outlets in your house. The muscles and sensation down your arm are like the objects being plugged into the outlet requiring electricity. If the outlet is producing abnormal amounts of electricity, the device you plug in is not going to work the way you expect. So, what do you have to do? You don’t fix the device, you fix the outlet. That’s essentially what we’re trying to do in therapy.
