

So, Kim K asks, or rather says, “My pain feels different depending upon the movement. Can you explain how the specific disc bulge or herniation might be impacting these different positions?”

Well, I mean, it’s basically, Kim, certain positions increase pressure and decrease pressure. So, for example, if I have a right-sided herniation or a paracentral herniation, going to the right and closing down that space is often going to be problematic for me, whereas going to the left won’t be problematic for the disc, but it might create muscle tension on this side, which depending upon how sensitive you are, may not feel great. So, that’s essentially what’s going on. It’s a game of pressures.

And then, you know, if you stretch it, for example, like when I’m bending this way, away, I can put tension on the nerve at the same time, and that can trigger pain. Typically, it’s not the opposite way, though. It’s closing down this space and putting the pressure that’s going to give me pain. But, like I said in the beginning, everyone’s different.

In those cases, your best bet is really nerve glides and then just taking it slow. And we’ll get into more about that later in the episode, so stay tuned.
