

So, chugging along here, we’ve got Austin B at question 12. Here, I’m worried about long-term management and preventing future disc issues. Can you provide tips on maintaining good posture, strengthening my core, and incorporating stretches into my daily routine?

Honestly, Austin, I kind of feel like we touched on a lot of this already, so the addition I would make is to use the technology around you. Like, set reminders for these things, use alarms, apps to check you throughout the day, use video feedback. I mean, put your camera on a space where you’re not paying attention and see what you look like when you’re doing your day-to-day.

Invest in support. I mean, I said that earlier with the ergonomics, like buy a good chair or buy a lumbar cushion or buy proper monitor keyboard things. Or maybe there’s a posture sensor you want or, you know, a stretching tool, something that’s going to help you.

And then just create the active lifestyle that’s going to allow you to engage your core. So, I mean, I’m standing here engaging my core just talking to you. So, throughout the day, just consciously do it. It’s like I said earlier, it’s like brushing your teeth. You don’t think about brushing your teeth, you just do it, and you make sure you do a good job when you do it because you know what the negative consequences are. So, it’s the same for stretching, engaging your core.

As Chris likes to say if he was here, he would say get greedy with your health. In other words, don’t shy away from doing things for you even if it might seem a little awkward at the time because that’s what’s going to help you keep going longer. That’s how you build longevity.
